Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 20, 2015, Sunday

         I wanted to write especially about our wonderful weekend last week.  On Saturday we were able to attend the Mexico City Temple Rededication Open House.  As of this time, I don’t know where the pictures are for it, but I will keep looking.  We take pictures on our phone, our camera, and our I-phone, and did take them on our Video Camera until it disappeared.  So, sometimes I get all of the pictures off, and sometimes…well…..

         The cultural event was in a large theater in downtown Mexico City.  That is always a nebulous comment, because there are millions of people in Mexico City, and the city goes on for miles and miles and miles, and none of us really know where THE downtown is. There are many downtowns. Anyway, we arrived about 5:30 I’m guessing.  The lines of Mormons waiting to enter were humungous…It was a great social time for the members standing there chatting.   We probably waited at least an hour, maybe more.  We had tickets with assigned seats….wonderful seats actually.  I felt guilty that we took up seats members could have used.  We didn’t understand any of it…..verbally…we enjoyed the dances with the clicking shoes, and the huge beautiful skirts.  We were told it portrayed the history of Mexico and the Church.  We understood Joseph kneeling in the grove, but the rest kind of went over our heads. 

         The next morning, we arrived at the auditorium on the MTC campus early (7AM) to distribute handkerchiefs and check recommends at the door.  We watched the 1st Session of the Rededication with the missionaries here, and then 3-4 couples jumped into the large van to rush to the temple, to see the 2nd session in a classroom inside.  There were lines everywhere---on the street, all through the temple campus, and lines all through the temple.  We’ve had the temple open house for the last few weeks, and we’ve brought groups of missionaries up to go through several times.   They are such faithful, humble people.  We were seated against the wall on folding chairs.  We were directly opposite the other side of the room where a large double door disclosed Pres Eyring and Elder Holland, who stopped in to wave at the people.  It was so touching to see them (all around us—men and women) immediately tear up to see them.  Pres Eyring, being touched, patted his heart in humble salute to them.  It was really moving to us.  Again, we thought of people we work with at the Clinic who didn’t have tickets to come to the temple, and felt guilty we may have taken their seats.  They watched from their stake houses.  It was really a lovely day. 

         It is a beautiful temple, unlike other temples in its construction.  It has a definite Mexican feel to it.  So, it was a lovely weekend, and we feel so fortunate to have been a part of it.  The talks were all in Spanish except E. Holland, who used an interpreter.  E. Eyring gave one of the 3 session prayers.  It was in English with an interpreter.  He mentioned that his family came from Mexico.  E. Holland gave a part of his talks in Spanish. 

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