Sunday, July 5, 2015

 We went to the Basilica again to show
the Harstons & park.  Supplicants approach
the railing on their knees.
 The old cathedral at the Basilica is
sinking.  With our Ipads, we calculated
about 5 degrees, from the bar in front to
the back.  It feels like you have motion sickness.
 We drove downtown to park in the
Nat'l Institute of Visual Arts...beautiful
modern..marble floors and walls.  It was packed
with people.  Long lines inside the building, going
outside clear down the blocks for tickets to
the Leonardo Exhibit

 We crossed the street down the block to
eat (after waiting in line) at the Blue Tile
Restaurant.  It is housed in a 16th Century
palace.  We ate in the ballroom.  Note the
cute costumed waitresses.  E. Harston
 We have guacamole at almost every meal
That and salsa with onions & chips...
 We climbed to the ballroom to get to
eat sooner.  
 Sister Harston is checking out the small
piniatas at our table.  The larger versions
are used at holidays.  If you knock the points
off, it means you knocked off bad habits.
 Some of the art here is exquisite.
 This is the cathedral across the street from
the Blue Tile Restaurant.
 This is the Gate Keeper--note the
beggar lady at the gate.
 Inside the cathedral, we noted the figure
holding the "Keys" in his hand.
 The nuns are selling their wares inside
the cathedral complex.
 This is the front of the very ornate cathedral
on the Mall.
 We really thought we were back in the
Philippines with this little scrawny puppy.
 Now we are truly on the Mall.
It was mobbed.  We saw characters
all along the route.  
 Note more blue-tiled walls.

 My honey!
 This is what it felt like almost all the way.
We probably walked a mile down this crowded
thoroughfare.  This was a Friday afternoon.
They say Christmastime you just don't move.

 We couldn't resist this picture.  
It is July 3, 2015
you know.

 Skeletons are everywhere...on the streets, in the
shops.  It is very different from home.
 I took these two pictures because of
the strong Spanish influence in the architecture.

 A street treat.  We do NOT eat off the street, ever!
 Another cathedral just blocks from
the last, and just a couple of blocks 
before the Nat'l Cathedral
in the Zocolo Square.
 This picture does not do justice to the street.
We went for several blocks of one jewelry store after
another.  It reminded us of Hong Kong.
 I took this picture from the doorway.  After
I took it, they were not at all happy with me.
I made a quick retreat!
 Rent-a-bike stands like we saw in Europe
 This picture is out of order.  It
shows squatters in the park
 At the end of the Mall, we came to a huge
square called the Zocolo.  It is surrounded by
many important buildings:  This is the Nat'l Palace
 On another side, we saw the Nat'l Cathedral
This was a figure of a black Christ
 The bell tower (huge) of the Nat'l Cathedral
 The ornate face of the Nat'l Cathedral
 The altar of the Nat'l Cathedral
 The living quarters of the Nat'l Palace
 Organ Grinder at the Nat'l Cathedral
 We were SOOO tired having walked 4.5 to 5
miles today, we took a Pedicab back to the
parking for our car.  It cost only 70 pesos:  about
$4.42 for 2 of us to make the trip cheap
It was the ride of a lifetime.  These are flimsy little things,
and they weave in and out of buses and fast cars in cramped places.  We could easily reach out and touch the bus next to us.
 The driver pedals it.  It was sooo fun!
A farewell to the Nat'l Cathedral

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